$2,500.00 USD

No Promises or Guarantees
We strive to provide high-quality services and support; however, we make no promises, guarantees, or warranties regarding your personal, financial, or business success. Your results will depend on various factors, including your own commitment, effort, and application of the coaching material. We and our coaching services are not liable for any losses, financial or otherwise, that you may experience as a result of enrolling in or participating in our coaching services.

This No Refund Policy (the "Policy") applies to all ecourse services provided by Managed by Magic ("we", "us", "our") to clients ("you", "your", "client"). By enrolling in or purchasing any of our services, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Policy.

No Refund Policy
(a) All coaching services provided by Managed by Magic are non-refundable. This includes, but is not limited to, one-on-one coaching sessions, group coaching sessions, workshops, seminars, online courses, and any other coaching service or program offered by us.

(b) Once payment has been made for any coaching service, the client is responsible for attending and completing the service according to the agreed-upon schedule. Failure to attend or complete the service does not entitle the client to a refund, partial or full, of any fees paid.

(c) In the event that Managed by Magic needs to reschedule or cancel a coaching session or service, we will make every effort to provide an alternative session or service of equal value. If no suitable alternative is available, a refund or credit may be provided at our sole discretion.

Payment Plans and Installments
If you have opted to pay for a coaching service through a payment plan or in installments, you remain obligated to complete all payments as agreed upon, regardless of your attendance, participation, or completion of the coaching service.

Extenuating Circumstances
We understand that unexpected events may occur, and we will evaluate any requests for refunds or credits on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss your specific situation.

Changes to the No Refund Policy
Managed by Magic reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to the Policy will be posted on our website, and your continued enrollment or purchase of our coaching services constitutes your acceptance of the revised Policy.

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Elevate to eCourse


Level 1


Start your educational experience development journey by diving deep into the heart of your audience's needs. Solidify your understanding of who you're serving, the challenges they face, the solutions you're uniquely positioned to provide, and the transformative outcomes they can achieve. 

Level 2


With a solid foundation, you'll architect your course's blueprint. This involves setting precise learning objectives, curating engaging activities to illuminate these objectives, and designing assessments to ensure mastery. This step guarantees a structured, goal-oriented learning path that's both enlightening and actionable.

Level 3


Next, refine your blueprint with cutting-edge engagement strategies. This phase is all about inclusivity and adaptability, tailoring the experience to fit diverse learning styles and needs. Weave in accommodations for learners with disabilities, foster collaborative opportunities, and implement a balanced approach to reinforcement.

Level 4


With your enriched plan in hand, you will shift gears from planning to production. You'll learn how to create compelling content, from downloadable resources to engaging video lessons. We'll guide you through the nuances of leveraging a Learning Management System (LMS) for seamless delivery. And when it comes to launch, we've got you covered with savvy marketing strategies.

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